God created man with a penchant for goodness and tenderness.
A mother loves her children, a father loves his family, someone loves a brother and even someone else he doesn't know very well.
This is the nature of a human being, if he believes in Allah.
However, because of ego, lust or momentary interest, many human beings are then turned into violent, violent, and cruel people.
In fact, ego, lust, and the importance of a moment in no way give good.
So it is natural that people who are rude, violent, and cruel will not get pleasure from Allah SWT because God does not love except tenderness.
Allah is Gentle and love gentleness.
As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "God is gentle and loves gentleness in all matters." (HR. Bukhari Muslim).
In the book of Syarah Riyadhus Sholihin, Imam Nawawi said, the hadith explains the command to make Muslims meek. Both in speech and deeds and choosing the easiest thing.
This gave birth to a harmonious and intimate relationship. It is very important for Muslims to practice their tongues with good manners and not to get used to denouncing others, whether it is against infidels, especially towards brothers and sisters.
And if you are in doubt concerning what We have sent down to Our servant, then surely I am commanded to be of those who go with you. Speak to him gently, and it may be that he may remember or fear .' (Quran verse 20 : 44).
It's beautiful for a Muslim.
Gentleness is a morality for Muslim.
Thus there is really no reason that allows us to denounce others, no matter how bad the person is.
If they are evil, they will be cursed, and they will be condemned.
It would be much more beautiful if we tried to focus on building ourselves into a polite and meek person. Say, "God is gentle and tender. He gives to tenderness what He does not give to violence nor does He give to others.'' (Muslim HR).
Interpreting the hadith, Imam Nawawi explained, tenderness is primarily the morality of all other noble morals. With such meekness the Messenger of God can be a great success in carrying out his mission of da'wah (call to Islam).
Interested article: The Creation of Human and Jinn as Slave of Allah
"It was by the grace of God that you were meek towards them. Had you been harsh and harsh-hearted, they would have surely withdrawn from you. So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and consult them in the affair. So when you have made a determination, put your trust in Allah. God loves those who put their trust in Him. (QS. 3:159).
Subhanallah, it turns out meek is a mercy from God. If so, aren't we interested in being meek Muslims who are actually Muslim?